Archive for November, 2008

Pescadero Scenes

November 16, 2008

This was another one of the rare times that I carry a camera on a run so I thought I’d share some California scenes. Nothing groundbreaking here, just a few nice photographs to enjoy!

Open douglas fir forest on the Coyote Ridge Trail

Open Douglas Fir forest on the Coyote Ridge Trail


2008 Multi-Day Wrap-Up

November 7, 2008

Marshall Ulrich just finished running across the United States in record time, ending in NYC the evening of Election Day.  His massive 52-day effort wraps up a great season of multi-day record runs!  

multidaysFirst summarized on this blog back in June, this was a big year for multi-day running.  While clearly a fringe activity, multi-day runs do capture the imagination; besides the obvious extreme aspect, their real allure might be how they arouse our yearning to “be a runner” instead of “going for a run”; to live the life of a self-propelled person fully and wholly.  Our re-cap follows; this list includes only record-attempts (non-record runs are wonderful but are not included here), and all but Marshall’s are off pavement.
